Pushpa Vimana
Vimana - Flight or it means a Flying Chariot is what the ancient Indians called it. They saw GODs using it for war and for travel purpose.
It strange that it has the same aerodynamics of an rocket-ship. How can ancients Indians have such a high-tech piece of technology in their hands ? Did they really have rocket-ships and common people who had no knowlege of it ,, can only name as "Flying Chariots".
Vimana - Flight or it means a Flying Chariot is what the ancient Indians called it. They saw GODs using it for war and for travel purpose.
It strange that it has the same aerodynamics of an rocket-ship. How can ancients Indians have such a high-tech piece of technology in their hands ? Did they really have rocket-ships and common people who had no knowlege of it ,, can only name as "Flying Chariots".
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